This portrait depicts an elderly woman with deep wrinkles and messy hair, dressed in old clothes. Jacques has captured the essence of her struggle and the challenges that come with ageing. The viewer is invited to feel a sense of empathy and compassion towards the old woman as they are reminded of the struggles that elderly people face on a daily basis. The old woman's face tells a story of a life filled with hardship and difficulty. The deep wrinkles on her face indicate years of stress and struggle. Her messy hair and old clothes speak to the challenges of making ends meet with limited resources. Through this portrait, Jacques highlights the importance of planning for the future and the importance of having empathy for the elderly. The lesson is clear - we must take steps to ensure that we don't end up in a similar situation, struggling to make ends meet in our old age. In conclusion, this portrait serves as a powerful reminder of the struggles of ageing and the importance of planning ahead. It encourages viewers to have empathy and compassion for the elderly, and to take steps to ensure that they don't end up in a similar situation.